Do you know how much money your business is wasting on printing?
We bet the answer is, “No.”
Between paper, ink, toner, printing equipment and other document costs, it’s easy to let printing expenses slip through the cracks. However, printing costs can accumulate very quickly and you need to understand where the waste is coming from. It’s time to ask yourself, “Am I making the most of my printer fleet?”
Here are some shocking statistics about printing that you probably don’t know.
The average employee typically prints 10,000 pages a year
This can equate to an average of £575 a year in employee printing. By streamlining your printing processes, you can reduce this figure, ultimately improving your bottom line.
Printing is the third biggest expenditure in a business
Apart from rent and payroll, printing needs are typically the most expensive part of operating a business. Imagine the money you could save if you implemented a Managed Print Solution.
90% of companies don’t know how many printers they actually have
In addition to not knowing how much they’re spending on their printing, most companies don’t even know how many printers they actually have.
Half of all IT calls are print-related
Between 40-60% of all IT calls are related to print environments. This means that any in-house IT staff can be bogged down by printing needs. These issues could be more readily and cost effectively solved by an MPS provider.
Paper usage is growing every year
Ideally, we should be using less paper as technology advances, as well as trying to help reduce our carbon footprint. However, the amount of paper used by companies typically increases by 21% every year.
Don’t let these statistics continue to be a reality in your office. The best way to stop wasting and start saving is by implementing a Managed Print Solution which could reduce your printing costs by up to 30% and give you back control of your print environment.
Contact STORM to start saving now on 01908 272729 or fill in this form and we will get in touch as soon as possible.