
STORM Office Solutions was thrilled to have sponsored the first Aspley Guise Football Club tournament which took place at Milton Keynes Pavilion, MK Village on 23rd and 24th June.

Aspley Guise FC is a growing local village youth football club which serves the local and wider community.  With currently 10 teams, ranging from 5-year olds to 13-year olds, the club is very proud to offer football to almost all age groups. Most teams play within the MKDDL which is the Milton Keynes District Development League. Although football is naturally competitive they encourage enjoyable inclusive football for all sexes. Every child is respected and encouraged as an individual and they provide a safe, secure and supportive environment for this to happen.

The tournament was a great success, with 105 teams taking part, divided by age groups U6-U13. Every group had a Cup winner, Cup runner-up, Plate winner and Plate runner-up.

STORM would like to congratulate the U8 age group, the Aspley Guise Comet, who won in the final against Wixams Wanderers Wolves.

The sun shone for the entire tournament, over 2000 people who participated across the weekend had a great time with football and fun.

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