
Following unprecedented growth in 2017 and is recognised as the UK’s fastest growing office copier/printer technology solutions company, STORM Office Solutions are delighted to welcome Samantha Wilson as the latest member to join our team of Trailblazers!

Samantha is a true A Player and joins STORM as one of our Customer Success & Development Managers, dedicated to ensuring our very valued, loyal customers, always stay feeling happy, loved and most of all ‘successful’ when it comes to using STORMS’ solutions.

Samantha will also be engaging with new clients and sharing with them some of the unique industry insights, financial savings and productivity benefits we’re now delivering to over 100 companies, large and small, across multiple industries.

If you’re new to us, don’t be a stranger any longer – check out today how STORM Office Solutions can help your company achieve office technology happiness!


STORM wishes a very Happy New Year to all of our customers and happy offices!

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